Dennisa Briliany

an ordinary girl

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Nobody can't understand me

Awful, awful, awful!!!! Nobody can't understand me. So pathetic. Can I have a good day? My friend don't make me feel better.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Many people think that flower is beautiful. Yeah, I think so. Sometimes I think my life isn't beautiful as flower. Sometimes I have some problems I can't handle. But, I have to be thankful. I have friends, and all I need. Love you mom, dad, and my friends :)

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

My opinion? Yeah

Loving is beautiful. Thank heavens for that. I'm Dennisa, don't really know what the love is. Because, as you know.. I'm still young. I can't understand that my friend can have bf easily. But, I'm not envious. Yeah, maybe sometimes I also want like that. And I often realize that my life can be happy without bf. And I also realize I can't have everything I want.

I don't know for sure...

Long time ago, I loved someone. And he loved me too. And We were in relationship. But, only 2 months. And then we were broke up. I felt disappointed. I didn't know what the problem was. And My friends started teased me about x (name of person). I really felt annoyed. Since I was in grade 7, I already felt annoyed about that. I was ignoring what they said. But, I didn't know when, I felt strange. So strange. I started to feel like what they said weren't strange. I don't like him. But maybe my self already accustomed to what they said. Oh god, don't make me feel this way... I try to act like usual to him.